

1st wprkshop 2

By opening the upgraded Research Centre FEED-TO-FOOD the major objective of FEED-TO-FOOD FP7-REGPOT-2007-3 project funded by EC was achieved. Now this center will start providing training and research opportunities to scientists, researchers, students and also for feed and food industry.
These were well-attended international Workshop and Symposium where speakers from Germany, France, Romania, Lithuania, United Kingdom, Norway, Belgium, Croatia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Serbia gave research and technical presentations on feed technology quality and safety and about latest trends in feed technology.
 At this international symposium eminent researchers delivered the lectures on Modern Trends in production chain from feed to food and on feed technology quality and safety.
On September 30th Prof. Viktor Nedović, PhD, and Prof. Roger Fenwick, PhD, spoke about European Technological Platform “Food for Life”.  Jovanka Lević, PhD, and Slavica Sedanović, MSc, from FEED-TO-FOOD Research Centre presented FP7-REGPOT-2007-3 project “FEED-TO-FOOD” funded by EC and delivered the lecture on “Future Challenges for Research and Development In Feed Technology”.

For more information about presentations click here.

For 1st workshop announcement click here.

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